If you were unable to attend one of the evenings, or you would like to re-experience the meditations, they are now available for purchase. The energy of the transmissions comes through in the recordings, and each time you listen the experience will be different as you shift and expand.
Please note that recordings of meditations beginning April, 2019 (marked by a gold star) are available on request for a small donation. Please contact Karin: karin@dolphinpress.com or starre7@comcast.net
Recording Archive 2019
Conscious Geometry II
Sunday, January 20th 2019
Discover the beauty and wisdom of the unicorn, the Stargate angel, & the Lemurian masters. Feel and explore the energies of the full moon lunar eclipse.
A beautiful meditation guided by Karin with live channeled music from Timothy.

Star Children
Sunday, February 10th 2019
Welcome in the energies of the angels, the unicorns, the fairy realm, dragon, Mt. Shasta and the star families.
A beautiful meditation guided by Karin with live channeled music from Timothy.
Sunday, March 3rd 2019
Connect to the stars and to that quiet sanctuary within with the energies of Michael, Metatron, the Pleiadians, the Sirians,the cetaceans and the lion beings.
A beautiful meditation guided by Karin with live channeled music from Timothy.

Sound Journey
Sunday, April 7th 2019
Feel the frequencies of Archangel Raphael, the elemental beings and the Faerie realm, the Pleiadians, the Arcturans, and the Sirians.
A beautiful meditation guided
by Karin with recorded music.

Desert Mysteries
Sunday, May 5th 2019
Feel the energies of our Native American elders, the medicine pipe, White Buffalo Calf woman, Jeshua, Mary of Magdala, the Pleiadians, the Arcturans, the Sirians and your inner child.
A beautiful meditation guided
by Karin with recorded music.

The Angelic Realms
Sunday, July 7th 2019
Feel the energies of our Native American elders, the medicine pipe, the Pleiadians, the Arcturans, the Andromedans, the Sirians, the feline beings, and the mer people.
A beautiful meditation guided
by Karin with recorded music.

Contact III
Sunday, June 9th 2019
Feel the energies of our Native American elders, the medicine pipe, the Galactic Command, the Pleiadians, Arcturans, Sirians, Andromedans, and the felines and mer people.
A beautiful meditation guided
by Karin with recorded music.

The Body Starship
Sunday, Sept. 8th 2019
Experience the angelic frequencies and the great heart of dragon, the Pleiadians, the Arcturans, the Sirians and the Andromeda High Council. Call in your inner child.
A beautiful meditation guided
by Karin with recorded music.

Harp Immersion
Sunday, Nov. 10th 2019
Feel the frequencies of the archangels: Raphael, Jophiel & Ariel; the fairy realms, the cetaceans, Mary Magdalene & Jeshua and the star beings.
A beautiful meditation guided
by Karin with recorded music.

Mary Magdalene
Sunday, Oct. 20th 2019
Feel the frequencies of the angelic and fairy realms, those of Mother Mary, Jeshua and Mary Magdalene and Our Lady and the Unicorn.
A beautiful meditation guided
by Karin with recorded music.

Star light, star bright. . .
Sunday, Dec. 8th 2019
Feel the magic of faerie and the unicorns, archangels Michael & Gabriel, Mother Mary and the star beings.
A beautiful meditation guided
by Karin with recorded music.