If you were unable to attend one of the evenings, or you would like to re-experience the meditations, they are now available for purchase. The energy of the transmissions comes through in the recordings, and each time you listen the experience will be different as you shift and expand.
Recording Archive 2018
Sunday, February 4th 2018
Journey to the Nile and the pyramids. Experience the energies of the Hathors, the Syrians, Ra, Isis and Osiris, and toning in the KIng's Chamber.
A beautiful meditation guided by Karin with live channeled music from Timothy.

Machu Picchu
Sunday, January 14th 2018
Travel on the wings of the condor to the snow-capped mountains of the Andes. Connect to the energies of the snake, the puma, and the Great White Brotherhood. Also experience star families, Mt.Shasta and the Mer people.
A beautiful meditation guided by Karin with live channeled music from Timothy.

Fairies & Elves
Sunday, April 8th 2018
Come on a journey to the land of Faerie. Experience Merlin, the nature spirits, the unicorns, Njåll the Dragon, Telos and the Blue Dragons of Venus.
A beautiful meditation guided by Karin with live channeled music from Timothy.

The Power of Sound & Vibration
Sunday, March 10th 2018
Meditation 1: Connect to the energies of the great trees, the dolphins and whales, the Masters, Mt. Shasta, Telos, toning, and more.
Meditation 2: Experience the energies of the star families, and much more.
Two beautiful meditations guided by Karin with live channeled music from Timothy.

Receiving Inner
Sunday, May 6th 2018
Experience the Archangelic energies of Michael, Raphael, Metatron, and
Gabriel; also Jeshua, Mother Mary, Saint Germain and the Pleiadians.
A beautiful meditation guided by Karin with live channeled music from Timothy.

Healing with Light
Sunday, July 8th 2018
Feel the energies of Gaia, the devas, the angels and Archangel Raphael; visualize each of the chakras with a beautiful color.
A beautiful meditation guided by Karin with live channeled music from Timothy.

Contact II
Sunday, June 10th 2018
The power of gratitude, experiencing the energies of the Pleiadians,
the Arcturans, the Lyrans and the feline beings, the Sirians, and
the Galactic Command.
A beautiful meditation guided by Karin with live channeled music from Timothy.

Sunday, September 9th 2018
Come on a magical journey to the Field of Dreams and Mt. Adams. Experience the energies of the Pleiadians, the Arcturans, the Andromedans, the Sirians, the Cetaceans, and the Feline Beings.
A beautiful meditation guided by Karin with live channeled music from Timothy.
Conscious Geometry
Sunday, October 7th 2018
Travel through the nuclei of the atoms into our galactic universe; experience the energies of the devas and the dance of the divine feminine and divine masculine.
A beautiful meditation guided by Karin with live channeled music from Timothy.

Mystical Ireland
Sunday, November 4th 2018
Travel back through the mists of time to the emerald isles. Experience the mystery and magic of the sacred oak, the white stag, the unicorn, the dragon and the realm of the Sidhe and the Faerie Queen.

Peace on Earth
Sunday, December 2nd 2018
Find peace and an inner light in the stillness within, connect to the energies of Raphael, Metatron, and Gabrielle. Experience the dance of the divine feminine and masculine as embodied by Mother Mary and Lord Sananda. Invite in the frequencies of the star families.